I want you to meet my Jesus by Roger Hosking MBE

“From angry hands to gentle hands”

Was how the author described his work with the many young people that came through the doors at The Barn and Happy Hens.

This book tells the simple story of how meeting Jesus can radically change your life. The author shares his journey of a hurting, broken child, restored to a responsible loving adult who learns to give away the love he has come to know.

‘I want you to meet my Jesus’ takes us on the journey of how the Hoskings’ started opening up their home to many broken and hurting young people, to the founding and running of the “Happy Hens” which became a safe haven and place of love and acceptance for so many, transforming lives. Until finally passing on the baton to BETEL, a Christian organisation that helps to restore broken lives.

It is a very real and honest narration taking the reader through the highs and lows of one man’s incredible life to pursue the dream of converting an old barn to create a safe place for those God sent him to love.

This book is available from Amazon at £10 or £5 on Kindle

Roger can be contacted on rogerhosking2@gmail.com

Book Review

I count it a privilege and honour to pen these words of commendation and thanksgiving… May you wo dare to read the whole story be challenged, encouraged and thankful to keep walking forward with your journey, with your best friend Jesus.

Jim Wilkinson

Hollybush Christian Fellowship

Roger has a heart of gold, a love for the unlovable and a passion to tell everyone about Jesus.

David and Di Harper

Top Barn Farm