HREW offer face to face prayer at their locations. Following the Covid-19 restrictions most of our locations are now open again. However, many locations are still offering prayer by Zoom and telephone. Specific prayer and prayer cloth requests can be sent to HREW using the “Contact Us” forms. Please check the “Healing Rooms Near You” page to find out what prayer options your local Healing Rooms offers.

Go to for more information and contact details for your nearest Healing Rooms.

We are a Christian Charity and our members are trained and experienced prayer ministers from a wide range of mainstream Christian churches. It is our desire that all people find healing and wholeness. We aim to help those struggling with life’s challenges be they physical, emotional or relational.

Prayer requests can be sent by e-mail to:

To see testimonies of what God is doing nationally and receive the latest news you can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram:

If you have a healing need or have a desire to join in this ministry, please make contact either via this website or as shown below:

HR England and Wales: Days and Times

Main Office

Tel: +44 (0) 7948 085337
Mondays and Thursdays

Danesford Community Centre
West Road
CW12 4EY

The National Prayer Line

Monday – Saturday

10.30am -12.30pm
(Excluding Bank Holidays)

Telephone Number

03300 889 336

To find those Healing Rooms offering prayer by Zoom click here.