The other day I sensed God say, “Prayer is My idea!”

Praying for healing is God’s idea.

We have been given authority and permission to pray for the sick. We have been commissioned by Jesus.

Our commissioning mandate:

‘And as you go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of God is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.  Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give!’ Matthew 10:7-8 (AMP).

‘Then Jesus called together the Twelve (apostles) and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. And He sent them out to announce and preach the Kingdom of God and to bring healing.’ Luke 9:1-2 (AMP).

God says: ‘Prayer is My idea!’

What happens when we pray?

I believe when we pray God’s Kingdom comes to earth; people encounter His presence and they receive a touch from Him.  I believe whenever we pray people encounter God. Prayer releases opportunities for miracles to happen!  When we pray we are actually giving away the presence of God.  Often when we pray people say ‘I feel such peace’.  Jesus said to His disciples, ‘When you go into a household ………let your peace come upon it’ (Matthew 10:12-13). When we pray there is an actual impartation of God’s presence – this is how people have an encounter with God.  In prayer we learn to recognise His presence and we cooperate with His passion for people.

God says, ‘Prayer is My idea!’

When to pray?

I went through a time of wanting to pray for anyone and everyone who I thought looked in need of a healing touch from God.  It wasn’t easy for me to know at that time who to pray for or what to do. Then at a Sozo Conference a number of years ago someone gave me a word, one thing she said answered my silent question, my asking who do I pray for?

She prayed: ‘Father God I thank you that she has learnt to stop for the one.  Just as you go about your day God is going to highlight people to you, releasing you from any burden in that you need to be stopping for people you see because He is going to be highlighting people and as you walk in obedience and as you go to the one He highlights that’s where Kingdom comes, that’s where Heaven touches Earth.  Just as like when Jesus was at the pool He saw the one and said ‘Be well!’  There were many others that were in need there, Jesus saw the one the Father had an appointment with and He walked in and released that appointment, He met that appointment. And I felt God say you are faithful in keeping appointments for Him…….’